Friday, October 27, 2006

Trying 2 find my way around

It's not easy to wander trough a cyber labyrinth and try to find simple answers for difficult problems. Sometimes there are also difficult answers for simple problems

Friday, October 06, 2006

A day in nature is always a good experience

The calvary of asking for a fund

There are many ways to get to Rome but thousands to try to obtain a grant or a subsidy. That's why when you have gotten an idea you have to allow yourself to sell part of you or to make it so basic that you can afford it yourself. It is the eternal struggle between imagination and money.
I look at this glacier so perfect and beautiful. It just has to be, to exist. This is not a privilege reserved for us, human beings. We are doomed to become, do, struggle, conquer, achieve, leave legacy so we can leave a spot or a tiny trail of our existence.